Tuesday 12 December 2006

The Season of Advent

It seemed fitting that I should start this journey in the time when Jesus is calling us to come further towards His home. Advent is the most beautiful season (besides Lent) when we are called to be closer witness' to the people God would like us to be. Whatever that is most of the time I don't know, but I do know that life is much simpler if you follow the guidance the bible lays out for you - such as remain sober, don't procrastinate etc etc.

It would be so much easier on this journey if God were to sit down and tell us exactly what we were meant to do in life (hypothetically speaking) but no, we have to just muddle through, hoping that we might possibly be getting it right.

Isn't it interesting that at the few times we are asked to act in accordance to God's wishes, we go directly against them. It wasn't 2 days after the first sunday in advent that I went to a house party, got very drunk, and ended up almost sleeping with someone. I know that this blog isn't meant to be a confessional, but really I just want to illustrate how difficult it is to follow a life of purity when you are completly immersed in the secularist lifestyle. Perhaps one day I shall develop the will power to say no to drinking and promiscuity.

So this is quite an interesting first post - perhaps I shall have many more to come!

God bless, xxx

1 comment:

Ben Trovato said...

Interesting first post - what happened next?...